My Homie

Interview #33 - My Homie

Welcome back to Business Anthropi! I hope that these blog posts and Friday night reads start your weekend off to the right start and you can forget about all the stresses of the week for a few minutes. It is crazy how many businesses I have lined up here to be posted if my planning is correct, I have them all the way into July! At this point in time with my current posting schedule as well as a tremendous amount of assignments for my course, I only have time to post 1 post per week. Although, I may have some more free time after June, so if you want to see more than 1 post per week, I’d love to know!

I have been anxiously waiting to post this interview as I am very excited for both myself and what you are about to read. I had the pleasure of interviewing and finding out more about My Homie and what they have to offer. My Homie is a soon to be released program that aims to help individuals manage their stress levels and take control of their habits and day to day lives. Taking on a more holistic point of view, My Homie is a six-week program that covers areas of psychology, nutrition, physical health, mindfulness, aromatherapy and alcohol. This program is brought to you by six women, aiming at changing peoples lives for the better. For this interview, I had the pleasure of speaking to the lady who made this program come to life and is the beginning of all of this but don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about the rest! 

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My Homie has since come to life from her proactive action to want to help others manage the stresses of day to day life. Lucie has always been into essential oils and herbal medicine and growing up in a small town in Eastern Europe has blossomed her understanding of the benefits that a holistic pathway can do for the body, she is also a certified essential oils specialist for a few years now. The idea behind starting something like My Homie came around when her husband went through a major career change that was not for the better.

Since then, stress levels rose and bad decision making was at play, with food and exercise. Lucie took it upon herself to look to the holistic side of things and this sparked the idea to create a program to help those, like her husband, manage the stresses of the workplace and day to day activities. By providing healthy alternatives with her knowledge of aromatherapy and introducing healthy and natural alternatives, she has been able to incorporate this lifestyle into My Homie. She has since done that, she is able to support individuals and what makes it even better, is that it's a women-driven program. With her background from Eastern Europe and living a natural lifestyle, Lucie moved to the big cities. First, it was London for 10 years and then coming to Australia, ever since, she has tried not to forget the innate wisdom that she learned growing up about healing and emotional health. 

She has five other amazing women on board taking on the psychology, nutrition, exercise, yoga and meditation and alcohol management aspects, with Lucie undertaking the aromatherapy side. If you would like to read about who these women are, click this link here

Lucie, and the other women part of this program, has one goal and one major aim to achieve through My Homie, to be able to change people’s lives by changing their daily habits. Even if it is just one person, it would be a huge success to be able to contribute to someone’s life for the better. With the main target market of businesses and companies, as well as many individuals dealing with the stresses of everyday life and tasks, this is an easy and quick program that will allow 10 minutes per day for an educational and reset of your mindset and thinking. 

What tips would you give to someone starting their own business?

“It’s never a straight line. We had to adjust and be flexible and there is a quote by Peter Kelly, ‘we must honour all of us and realise the power of our magic is nothing without our messy humanness.’ And that is so true because being human, that’s all we are and we are going to make mistakes and we are going to have it be not perfect and I think that getting something out, whatever that passion is, you start something and you keep going. I feel like we should be doing whatever we feel the calling of, and to follow that passion and to do it and not to care about the people who are negative or not liking it. So the humanness is so important because we have to accept that and to run with it and be proud of it.”

By undertaking something like My Homie, they are able to teach everyday individuals how to deal with anything life throws at you. Lucie has been able to create, with the help of the other professionals involved, a way for everyone to create balance in their lives and obtain optimal homeostasis within. From an educational standpoint, it allows for each aspect of life to be taken care of. From nutrition, to exercise to mindfulness and many others. 

There was an abundance of research poured into creating this and it certainly took many months to create and to get perfect. Recruiting these other women, Lucie is able to fulfil this program to its full potential with each of them doing their part in the research. Lucie, of course, specialised in her area of aromatherapy, is able to educate people about the effects essential oils has on the brain and being able to communicate these messages and important research in such a way is really beneficial. 

The overall experience that this program hopes to achieve is that one person can say that they are better because of it or that they have more clarity or the ability to enhance someone’s mental and emotional health. With the idea of creating this community of people, there is the future goal to enhance and expand the program to not only focus on stress but also with different aspects of life. There are not many companies out there that provide what Lucie and her team do with My Homie and even the odd one out there, even though they have similar targets, My Homie provides for a more holistic point of view. There is a much more human element that is provided, and this is something that is very unique about what is being provided. The name, My Homie also comes from the phrase, holistic me, so combined, Lucie created what you see today as My Homie, somewhat of a friend and a support system to lean on when the stresses of life get too much. 

How would you describe your program in one sentence?

We want to make you feel empowered to take on your emotional health and wellbeing 

Thank you for reading this week’s blog post, please be aware that as of this date, the My Homie program is not yet up and running but will be in a few short weeks. However, there are early bird tickets available! In order not to miss out, click the link HERE to their Instagram and the button below to their website to find out more information about the program and also the amazing women involved in its creation. 

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