Gldn Girl

Interview #51 - Gldn Girl

Welcome back to my blog. I hope that your evening is going great and for those in Melbourne, you were able to enjoy the weather. I have finally finished my second year of uni with my exams ending last Saturday, so now with those stresses out of the way, I have more time to focus on Business Anthropi. So in saying this, what would you like to see? Anything new or exciting, let me know, I’d love to hear your ideas! 

For this week’s business, I had the chance to interview Amie from Gldn Girl. Based in Sydney Australia, Gldn Girl has all your travel needs with their beauty and skincare products, designed to help improve yourself and your holiday. With all their products being Australian made using natural ingredients. The idea for Gldn Girl came about for Amie when from a holiday in Perth where she used this time to slow down and have that special self-care moment, focusing on herself and what she was putting in and on her body. This is where the idea started to stem from as she wanted to make something to feel more impressive but also looking beyond the generic supermarket beauty products. Initially, these travel sets were called the Summer Set with four products, but soon after, Amie developed her business further to re-brand and start on the Gldn Girl journey. 

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As mentioned, the original concept was similar to what Gldn Girl is today but instead called the Summer Set. Amie re-launched her business to Gldn Girl only a month ago but has learned so much from what it was previously. She has the idea back in 2014 and then tried to start it back in 2015 but found some roadblocks along the way and decided not to pursue it then. It wasn’t until 2018 where she started properly working on the Summer Set, but since then, she now knows that it was very rushed and limiting. Given such barriers, Amie made the decision to re-brand and give you Gldn Girl, which allows for the travel sets with skincare and beauty products, and hopefully In the future, possibly wellness and accessories. 

What do you hope the vision is for your business? 

“My vision is to be the go-to platform both to visit before you go away. So if you’re going away for a weekend you come to us, if you’re going away for a tropical holiday for a week or two, you can come to us and pick up all the tools that you need to look after yourself while you’re away essentially.”

When Amie first set out to start her business, she had a set vision of how she would like everything to be set out and how the products will look. This was her main inspiration to keep going at it, she had a vision and an inspiration for what she could achieve and set out to do just that. Everything has been a natural progression to get to where she is today with the business experience received in the past. The brands that she stocks are Australian brands that are clean beauty, natural and animal friendly, which is vital to Amie as she knows the struggles small Aussie and unrecognised businesses go through compared to supermarket labels. 

As mentioned, the idea for starting this business happened a while back and then again on holiday in Perth; it was something that came along in her life at the right moment. Amie’s background is in fashion and also have significant exposure to retail and product development. This past experience has been able to help her develop her business, especially the retail aspect. This has allowed her to nail down the consumer experience and understand what the intended experience people will want from these products. 

Just like when you go to a hotel, they look after you and in spas, pamper you, so for Amie with Gldn Girl, she hopes that the customer can feel like they are taking a little bit of Australia with them to take the time out for themselves. Looking after your own body and being in that feel-good moment is what makes a break and holiday all that much more worth it.


What tips would you give to someone starting their own business? 

“I would say research different launch strategies. I had a friend who launched a brand recently and they did Instagram content for a few months prior to build up their following and they also did a giveaway for their launch, and from that, they partnered with other likeminded brand and influencers to increase their reach. So I hope to do something similar in terms of our relaunch, we didn’t last time and I think we could have definitely benefited from that. I guess as well, research similar brands and think about how to be successful in retail as well. Also reach out to your network because if there is someone who can help you, reach out because those people are most likely willing to help.”

Gldn Girl is a niche business where there isn’t really anyone else providing an all in one travel pack fit with everything you might need so in saying this, there have been multiple roadblocks and challenges that Amie has had to overcome. One of the main roadblocks Amie identified was cold calling businesses to be part of Gldn Girl travel packs. Of course, when you start to reach out to the bigger businesses, all they want to know is numbers, so when Amie did get some businesses on board, some you might not have seen before, it’s really lovely. Even though she has gotten knocked back a few times, that’s expected and being able to get up and keep going is the main thing. Learning from her previous endeavours, Amie was also able to identify what went wrong, especially with the Summer Set and was able to learn from that and make those changes she wished she had before. 

Living in Sydney and being bathed in sunshine all the time and next to the water, and even from being in Perth, it has influenced Amie personally and has allowed for that reinforcement of what her business Is about. The products she sells are versatile, so you can travel or gift them off, or even try a product without committing to a full-sized one. 

I can’t wait to see what the future holds for Amie and Gldn Girl. Just by speaking with her, I knew instantly how passionate she was about her business and all the plans she has for the future. Shortly, everyone is going to want to travel again, even if it’s interstate, and I can just see Amie being at the centre providing everyone with all their travel goodies.  

How would you describe your business in one sentence?

Gldn Girl offers travel-sized beauty and skincare products for the girl on the go, for your gifting, for your self-care and your getaway

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Thank you for coming back this week and reading another blog post, this week featuring Amie from Gldn Girl! This interview was conducted a while ago so I am so happy to finally share this wonderful business with you. Make sure you follow her Instagram HERE or click the button below to go directly to Gldn Girl’s website. 

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